Leucoderma, also known as vitiligo, is a distressing skin condition. There is a gradual loss of pigment melanin from the skin layers which results in white patches. Leucoderma can occur at any age in either sex in normal skin.
- Non-segmental vitiligo( bilateral or generalized)
It is the most common type.
- Segmental vitiligo( unilateral or localized )
This is more common in children.
- Universal or complete vitiligo(affects the whole body)
Causes of Leucoderma
- Autoimmune conditions
Non-segmental vitiligo can be associated with other autoimmune conditions (hyperthyroidism, pernicious anaemia)
- Neurochemicals
Segmental vitiligo can be associated with neurochemicals. These are poisonous to the melanocyte skin cells.
- Other cancers
Melanoma, T-cell lymphoma
- Severe sunburn
- Stressful events
Symptoms and signs
- Leucoderma starts with a small white spot and develops into patches. These patches are pale in the beginning but become whiter and whiter as time passes due to loss of pigment. As spots enlarge, they merge into each other and, in course of time, form a very broad patch
- Area commonly affected—
- the skin around the mouth and eyes
- fingers and wrists
- armpits
- groin
- genitals
- inside mouth
- scalp
- eyelids
- Areas specific to non-segmental vitiligo
- backs of hands
- arms
- eyes
- knees
- elbows
- feet
Vitiligo is diagnosed from its appearance so no test is needed.
 The effects of Ayurvedic treatment are usually permanent, and moreover, Ayurvedic medicines can control the spread of the condition.
- Protection from the sun
Apply high-factor sun cream, ideally with a sun protection factor of 30 or above, to protect the skin from sunburn and long-term damage.
- Herbal skin applications
- Ayurvedic Medicines
- Phototherapy
Skin is exposed to ultraviolet A or ultraviolet B light from a special lamp. When psoralen is used along with; it is called PUVA
- Skin graft
A skin graft is a surgical procedure that involves removing healthy skin from an unaffected area of the body and using it to cover an area where the skin has been damaged or lost.