How to increase immunity
The common questions we encounter in our daily practice are about infections and how to increase immunity. In this blog, …
How to look Younger and Healthy?
Ayurveda as an Immunomodulator and ant-ageing Every one of us wants to know how to look younger and healthy. Ayurveda …
Fever and Its Ayurveda Treatment
Fever is described as a symptom of many diseases in Modern medicines. But, fever in Ayurveda or Jwara (as Ayurveda …
Neck Stiffness- Causes, Ayurveda Treatment
Neck Stiffness is the clinical entity in which the back of the neck becomes stiff or rigid and the movements …
Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)
Dhanur – Bow, Asana – Pose; Pronounced As dah-noo-rah-sah-nah Dhanurasana has been named after the shape the body takes while …
Uttanpadasana (Raised leg pose)
Uttanpadasana has a specific meaning. In Sanskrit “Ut” means “lift”, “tan” means “stretch”, “pad” means “leg”, “Uttana” means “to raise”. …
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Ardha = half · Matsyendra = king of the fish (matsya = fish indra = ruler), a legendary teacher of yoga. Ardha Matsyendrasana, also known as …
Pawanmuktasana is a sanskrit word, made up three words Pawan+Mukta+Asana where Pawan means wind, Mukta means to release and Asana …
Gomukhasana takes its name from the Sanskrit words ‘Go’, meaning cow, ‘Mukha’, meaning face, and ‘Asana’, meaning pose. This posture …