
Gomukhasana takes its name from the Sanskrit words ‘Go’, meaning cow, ‘Mukha’, meaning face, and ‘Asana’, meaning pose.

This posture is pronounced as go-moo-KAHS-anna

How To Do Gomukhasana (The Cow Face Pose)

  • Sit erect on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you, preferably in Dandasana.
  • Now gently bend your left leg, and place it under your right buttock.
  • Fold your right leg and place it over your left thigh.
  • Place both your knees closes together as they are stacked one on top of the other.
  • Gently fold your left arm and place it behind your back.
  • Take your right arm over your right shoulder, and stretch it as much as you can until it reaches your left hand.
  • Keep the trunk erect, expand your chest, and lean slightly back.
  • Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable, as you breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Concentrate on your breathing.

Benefits of Gomukhasana (The Cow Face Pose)

  1. Cures sciatica
  2. Helps with high blood pressure
  3. Reproductive organs are toned up.
  4. Cures stiff shoulders
  5. Elongates spine
  6. Beneficial for those with bad posture
  7. Reduces stress and anxiety
  8. Strengthens back muscles
  9. It enhances the working of the kidneys, thereby helping those suffering from diabetes.
  10. Strengthens muscles of ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest.

Contraindications of Gomukhasana

  • Muscle pain
  • Injury in legs
  • Shoulder pain
  • Spondylitis
  • Piles
  • Intense pain while stretching

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