Fever is described as a symptom of many diseases in Modern medicines.
But, fever in Ayurveda or Jwara (as Ayurveda experts call it) is a disease
itself. There is a specific pattern, pathology, general signs and even the
death signs of fever described in Ayurveda. Fever has been described in
detail in Ayurveda texts. So, we have tried to come up with some general questions related to Fever and its Ayurveda Treatment.
What is Fever in Ayurveda?
In Ayurveda, Fever is known as “Jwara roga”.
Jwara has been said to be the chief among the diseases (Rogānāma
It is said that there is no living body which is not attacked by it. The term
Jwara is generally translated as fever, though it does not convey all the senses of the term.
The term Jwara means the condition in which the mind, sense organs and the body all are troubled. Jwara (Fever) is characterized by an elevation of body temperature, loss of perspiration and varying degree of pain in the body.
In the majority of the cases, there is reduced heat in the GIT (gastrointestinal tract) and an increased temperature in the external body. Fever might be a symptom of a disease or can be a disease in itself.
According to Ayurveda, fever happens because of an imbalance in Tridoshas.
Jwara is a disease of Rasavaha Srotasa having its origin in Amashaya, resulting due to Agnimandya and presenting with Santapa (raised body temperature), Swedaavrodha (anhidrosis )and Angamarda (body ache) as its cardinal features.
Almost all the infectious diseases (viral/bacterial) presenting with raised body temperature as a predominant features have been categorized under Jwara.
On the basis of the predominance of Dosha and Dhatugata Avastha, Jwara has been classified into various types and while deciding the line of treatment, all these types are to be considered.
For deciding the line of treatment, differential diagnosis among the Doshic varieties, Sama – Nirama Avastha, Nava- Jirna Avastha or Dhatugata Avastha or other presentations like Punaravartaka Jwara are considered.
- According to Charaka, Jwara produces santapa (increase in temperature/ temperament), sandeha (suspicion) in hridaya(heart) & manas (mind).
- According to Sushruta, Jwara is that disease in which manifestation of obstruction of sweda(sweat), santapa (temperature rise) & angamarda (body ache) are seen simultaneously.
- It is the king of all the other diseases.
Causes of Fever
Many types of jwara have been described in Ayurvedic classical texts
Brihat trayi (three major Ayurvedic classical texts -Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga hridaya)
Laghu trayi (Madhava nidaana, Sharangadhara samhita and Bhava prakasha).
According to causative factors, jwara is divided into two groups, nija (internal origin) and agantuja (external origin).
Nija jwara occurs due to—
Vitiated doshas, dhatus (tissue elements), internal factors and
Agantuja occurs due to various factors which are external in origin like–
- Infections, injuries and also psychological factors like anger, depression, distress etc.
- Heat exhaustion and extreme sunburn may sometimes result in fever.
- Heavy exercise can lead to an increase in the normal body temperature.
- Improper techniques used in panchakarma.
- Seasonal Changes.
- Kama –( lust), Shoka – (grief), Bhaya – (fear), Krodha – (anger), Bhuta – (evil spirits, microorganisms).
- Visha – (toxins) may result in Jwara.
- Abhicharaja – Due to evil tantric rituals.
- Abhishapaja – due to Shrapa (curse) of elderly
In most cases, however, you can assume that a fever is the result of an immune response to infection or toxins in the body.
Ear, nose, and throat infections are the most common causes of fever.
Infectious organisms are not the only cause of fever. Although not as common, jwara causes can also include autoimmune or inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis and arthritis.
Certain medications, including antibiotics and antihistamines, can also cause a rise in body temperature, resulting in mild fever.
Fever pathogenesis
Jwara pathogenesis in Ayurveda (Samprapati) according to Vagbhatta-
- Sannikrishta nidana- Vatadi dosha
- Viprakrishta nidana- Mithyaahara
Mithya ahara vihara & dhatu vaishamya are the causative factors of Jwara.
For the manifestation of any disease mithya aahar & vihara are the main causative factors. The generation of ama is root cause of Jwara.
Due to hypo-functioning of ushma or kayagni (digestive fire), food which is not properly digested results in the formation of immature rasa (poorly digested chyle) in amashaya (stomach) and this rasa is spoken as ama. Ama is unable to nourish the dhatu.
Then the causative factors of Jwara will increase Vata, Pitta & Kapha in the body.
These increased doshas reach the Aamashya, they combine with ama along with rasa dhatu & circulates all over the body by the kaphagni that also mixed with this rasa dhatu and circulates all over the body along with increased doshas & produces the fever.
Because of the properties of Ama such as snigdha, pichchhila it will obstruct the swedavaha strotas.
The absence of sweating (swedavarodha) also increases the temperature (ushmata).
Samprapti Ghataka (properties of fever)
- Udbhava sthana (place of origin)- Amashaya
- Dosha- Pitta PradhanTridoshaj
- Dushya- Rasa, Rakta
- Shrotas- Swedavaha shrotas, rasavaha shrotas
- Shroto dushti prakar- Samya
- Vyakta sthan (place of manifestation)- Sarvanga (All over the body)
- Ama- Jatharagni janya ama
- Roga marga- Bahiroga marga
- Santapa – raised temperature
- Aruchi – Anorexia
- Trushna – excessive thirst
- Angamarda – malaise, body ache with heaviness
- Hridya Vyatha – pain in the cardiac region
General signs of jwara
- Santapa – raised temperature
- Aruchi – Anorexia
- Trushna – excessive thirst
- Angamarda – malaise, body ache with heaviness
- Hrudi Vyatha – pain in the cardiac region
- Alasyam -Lethargy
- Nayana aasre –excessive lacrimation
- Jrambhana -yawning
- Gauravam -heaviness
- Klama – Mental fatigue
- Jwalana, Aatapa, Vayu and Ambu Bhakti Dwesha – Uncertainty
about liking and disliking fire, sun, wind and water - Avipaka -Indigestion
- Vairasya -Anorexia
- Bala Hani -Depletion in strength and complexion, and
- Alpa Sheela Vikruti – Slight change in conduct
Symptoms of Fever
The signs and symptoms invariably associated with Jwara are—
- Santapa Deha Manasa –The increase in the temperature of the body and mental unhappiness.
- Shrama- Exhaustion without any reason.
- Arati- Restlessness, not interested in anything.
- Vivarnatva- Discolouration of body.
- Asya vairasya- Difficult to differentiate the taste.
- Nayan plava- Watering of eyes.
- Ichcha dwesha, Sheeta vata tapadishu- Alternating desire & aversion for cold & hot environment.
- Jrimbha- yawning
- Angamarda- Bodyache.
- Guruta- Heaviness of the body.
- Romaharsha- Horripilation.
- Aruchi- Tastelessness
- Tama- Darkness in front of the eyes.
- Apraharsha- There is no interest to take any kind of food & feeling chills.
Vishishta purvarupa lakshana of jwara
- Vata dominance– Yawning excessively.
- Pitta dominance– Burning sensation in eyes.
- Kapha dominance– Aversion to take food.
Pratyatma Lakshana of Jwara (only found in jwara)-
Burning sensations over the body & mind is cardinal symptoms of jwara.
Jwara Types
The Jwara as a disease has been clinically divided and subdivided under many groups viz.
A. Nija
B. Āgantuja
A. Nija Jwaras— are sub-divided into 7, such as
- Vātaja,
- Pittaja,
- Kaphaja,
- Vāta-Pittaja,
- Vāta Kaphaja,
- Pitta-Kaphaja and
- Sannipātaja. (13 Sub types)
B. Āgantujas Jwara-
sub divided into 4 —
- Abhighātaja,
- Abhishangaja,
- Abhichāraja and
- Abhishāpaja.
Abhishangaj Jwara is further divided in to 7 subtypes-
- Vishajanya
- Aushadigandhaja
- Kamaja
- Shokaja
- Bhayaja
- Krodhaja
- Bhutaj
Jwara is also classified on the basis of the following-
Vega -anusar- 4 types-
- Antarvega
- Bahirvega
- Avisargi
- Visargi
Dushya-anusar- 7 types-
- Rasaj
- Raktaj
- Mansaj
- Medaj
- Asthij
- Majjajanya
- Shukraj
Based on Ama-
- Sama Jwara
- Pachyamana Jwara
- Nirama Jwara
Based on Adhisthana-
- Sharir
- Manas
Based on Kala-
- Prakrita
- Vaikrita
Based on main symptoms
Based on Sadhya-asadhya—-
- Sadhya—
a. Sukh-sadhya
b. Krichh-sadhya
2. Asadhya—
a. Yapye
Types of Sannipata Jwara
Sannipata Jwara is further classified into 13 types based on the dominance of Dosha-
- Vatolbana
- Pittolbana
- Kapholbana
- Vatapittolbana
- Vatakapholbana
- Pitta kapholbana
- Heenavata- Pitta Madhya- shleshmadhika
- Heenavata- Madhyakapha- Pittadhika
- Heenapitta- Madhyakapha- Vatadhika
- Heenapitta-Vatamadhya- Kaphadhika
- Heenakapha-Pittamadhya-Vatadhika
- Heenakapha –Vatamadhya-pittadhika
- Sarvadosholbana
Symptoms of different types of jwara
Vataja jwara-
- Rigors
- Fever is irregular with sudden rise & fall in temperature
- Dryness of throat & lips
- Loss of sleep
- Suppression of kshawathu (spit)
- Dryness of the body
- Headache, chest pain, body ache, loss of taste, constipation, pain in the abdomen.
- Adhmana
Pittaja jwara-
- The intensity of the fever is high.
- Diarrhoea, sleeplessness, vomiting, ulceration over throat, lips, mouth & nose.
- Sweating,
- Irrelevant speech, feeling of katu rasa, giddiness, burning sensation,
- Yellowish discolouration of stool, urine & eyes.
Kaphaja jwara-
- Feeling as if the body is covered with a wet cloth, mild temperature, laziness.
- Sweet taste in the mouth.
- The white colour of urine, and stool.
- Stiffness of joints
- Aversion for food, heaviness of the body, feeling of coldness & utklesha of kapha i.e. hrillasa & excessive salivation, horripilation, excessive sleep, running nose.
- Tastelessness, cough, whitish colouration of eyes.
Vata pitta jwara-
- Thirst, fainting, delusion
- Burning sensation, loss of sleep,
- Headache, dryness of throat & mouth, vomiting, horripilation, tastelessness,
- Pain in smaller joints, yawning.
Vata shleshma jwara-
- Feel as if the body is covered with a wet cloth, excessive sleep
- Pain in smaller joints
- The heaviness of the head, headache, running nose, cough.
In Vata kaphaja jwara there is sweating because of vikriti vishama samavaya.
Kaphapittaja jwara-
- Coating over the tongue & feeling of tikta rasa in the mouth, tandra, moha, murchha, aruchi, kasa, trishna,
- Feeling of cold & hot alternatively.
Sannipata Jwara lakshana-
- The alternate feeling of hot & cold due to the involvement of three dosha.
- Pain in the joints, bones & in head
- Redness of the eyes or sunken eyes with watery discharge.
- Tinnitus, earache.
- Feeling of some foreign body present in the throat.
- Tandra , trishna, moha, murchha, pralapa, kasa, shwasa, aruchi, shrama, paridagdha, the tongue will be very rough just like gojihva (tongue of cow)
- Spitting of rakta or pitta along with kapha,
- Head heaviness, thirst, nidranasha
- Chest pain
- Delayed & reduced quantity of excretion of sweda, mutra, purisha.
- Urticaria and blackish red coloured rashes
- Loss of speech, inflammation of the nose and ear etc.
Ama jwara-
- Indigested rasa due to the durbalata of jatharagni (diminished digestive fire) and the rasa which is doshayukta, situated in amashaya is called as ama. This dushita rasa spreads all over the body & causes ama jwara.
- The symptoms are mixed as in Pitta kaphaj jwara.
- In the aspect of treatment, we should see the condition of ama and deepana pachana principle of treatment is opted. Because in this treatment the administration of medicines are avoided.
- If the shodhana or shamana aushadhis are administered it converts ama jwara to Vishama jwara.
Pacchyamana jwara-
The vega of jwara will be teevra, excessive thirst, pralapa, shwasa, bhrama (giddiness), etc. are the lakshanas of pacchyamana jwara.
Nirama jwara-
Hunger, emaciation, laghuta, mala mutra pravritti. In 8 days jwara comes to normal.
Shareera jwara-
Trishna, Santapa, angamarda, manasika glani.
Manasa jwara-
Chanchalata, glani of mind & Santapa is called as manasa jwara.
Avisargi jwara-
Jwara remains in the body till its wish & it never produces any disturbance in body temperature is called as avisargi jwara.
It is of 2 types.- Samvegi and Vishamvegi.
Samavegi jwara:
It is also called continuous fever. In this, the body temperature is raised during the day as well as at nighttime.
Vishamavegi jwara:
It is also called remittent fever. In this, within 24 hours there will be a variation of 2°c temperature, but the temperature never comes to normal.
Visargi jwara-
Fever gets down in one ahoratra (24 hours/ 1 day and night). Once the temperature comes to normal then again a rise in temperature is seen. It is called Visargi jwara.
It is of 2 Types- Muktanubandhi and Punaravartaka jwara.
Muktanubandhi jwara-
It is also called Intermittent fever. In this type, the temperature comes to normal once or several times.
Punaravartaka jwara-
Before the cure of fever or before the ascertainment of prakrita bala, if one does the vyayama, snana or travelling, then the re-occurrence of fever is seen. This is called as punaravartaka jwara.
This fever will remain for a longer time, giving peedana(pain) for a longer time. In case of durbala and Ojas ksheena(Less vigour) person this jwara may leads to death.
Agantuja jwara-
The term agantuj means external. The jwara caused by external factors is called as agantuja jwara. In this, jwara occurs first & vitiation of the dosha occurs later.
There are 4 types of agantuja jwara- Abhighataja, Abhishangaja, Abhishapaja and Abhicharaj.
Abhigataja jwara-
In this type, fever is caused by abhighata means injuries like chhedana (cut) and daha (burns).
These causes vitiation of Rakta by Vata dosha and gives rise to jwara, shoola, shotha and discolorations of tvacha (skin) at the site of the injury.
Abhishangaja jwara-
Fever caused by germs, virus and influence of ghost (Pishacha badha). Grahabadha – fever due to the influence of dushtagrahas.
Fever raised due to contact of visha is called as vishajanya jwara. Jwara also occurs due to psychological factors like krodha (anger), shoka and bhaya (fear) comes under this type.
Abhishapaja jwara-
The fever caused by the curse of gurus, saint & elders is called abhishapaja jvara. Here the fever effects first the mind & later to the body.
Abhicharaja jwara-
Fever which is caused by the mantra tantra comes under abhicharaja type. Here the mantra tantra are used to produce the fever in enemies.
First it causes fever to the manas/ psyche & later it affects the body and produces symptoms like visphota (boils), trishna (thirst), daha (burning sensation), murchha and there will be regular increase of temperature.
Vishama jwara in Ayurveda
The word vishama means irregular. In case of fever the word vishama applies for its irregular onset, irregular site of manifestation, irregular nature and irregular periodicity or interval.
Vishama arambha means the fever will start from the different parts of the body i.e. some times it may starts from Murdha ( head), sometimes it may starts from prishtha (back).
The irregular nature means vishama kriya means sometimes there will be high temperature or sometimes severe chills (rigors), irregular periodicity means Vishama kala means the fever may appear in the morning, in the noon or at night. That is this fever persists for long period.
Vishama Jwara Samprapati
In the initial stage there will be alpa dosha (less dosha) or soon after the recovery from the fever, if a person indulges in unwholesome food or activity, again the dosha will aggravate further and get lodged in Dhatu and produce the vishama jwara.
The aggravated Vata dosha due to its irregular nature produces Vishama jwar.
The salient features of Vishama jwara-
- Fever settles for a few hours or 2-3 days & re-appears again.
- The patient suffers from chill and at other time experiences the sensation of heat in the body.
- The fever rises suddenly & fall down suddenly.
- The fever doesn’t appear or reoccurs at fixed time.
- Fever is sometimes mild and sometimes very high.
Vishama jwara types
5 subtypes-
- Santata jwara- rasa dhatu is involved.
- Satataka jwara- rakta dhatu is involed.
- Anyedyushka- mamsa dhatu is involved.
- Tritiyaka- meda dhatu is involved.
- Chaturthaka- asthi and majja dhatu are involved.
1. Santata jwara-
Continuous rise of temperature for the period of 7 or 10 or 12 days is known as Santata jwara (ref: Madhava Nidan- 2/34).
In this type, there will be vitiation of all other dhatu, mutra, purisha and vata simultaneously.
Because of the vitiation of all 3 dosha, features of sannipataja jwara like moha, pralapa etc. are observed. As in Santata jwara, there will be more vitiation of rasa dhatu, hence the vitiated doshas will spread throughout the body through rasa vaha shrotas.
So the features like stabdhata (stiffness) and santapa (high grade fever) are present all over the body. It is extremely very difficult to tolerate this type of fever.
2. Satataka jwara-
In this, the fever appears twice a day. Satataka Jwara is Krichchha sadhya (difficult to cure, but curable).
The vitiated dosha are present in amashaya and the fever rises once in day time & once in night. The increase in temperature is observed during dosha prakopa kala.
3. Anyedyushka-
The fever which appears once in 24 hours is called as Anyedyushka jwara.
The increase or decrease of temperature appears once in day and night. But there is no particular time. The site of this jwara is hridaya (heart). The doshas present in hridaya usually take 24 hrs to reach amashya. So the fever will appear on next day.
4.Tritiyaka jwara-
The fever appears once in three days or on alternate days.
First day the fever will be present, no fever on next day and then fever re-occur on third day.
5. Chaturthaka jwara-
Fever appears once in every fourth day. If there is vitiation of kaphadosha it effects jangapradesha (thighs, calf).
If there is vitiation vata dosha it affects head.
What is Jeerna Jwara?
Jeerna jwara is a term given for chronic fever. This can be explained as below-
- It remains for 27 days.
- Remains for 3 week continuously in mild degree.
- Spleenomegaly (enlargement of spleen) is found.
- Jatharagni dourbalya (loss of appetite) is seen.
Fever Complications (Jwara upadrava)
- Cough
- Giddiness
- Tastelessness
- Thirst
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Hiccup
- Difficulty in breathing
- Angabheda (unbearable body ache)
Signs of curable fever in Ayurveda
The sadhya jwara should have the following features-
- The patient has some strength.
- There will be alpadosha involvement.
- Should not have any complication( upadrava).
Asadhya jwara Lakshana
Asadhya jwara have many symptoms and causative factors.
- Debility of sense organs for long time
- Antardaha (internal burning of body),
- Thirst, hikka (hiccup), shwasa, obstructions of mala and apanvayu are seen.
- Loss of complexion, Nishkriya of Indriya, ksheenata and aruchi are seen.
If all the above symptoms are seen in a fever then that fever is incurable (asadhya).
Arishta Lakshana of Jwara
In Ayurveda, there is a description of Arishta lakshana of various disease which we can say as early death sign (in common words).
Likewise, following Arishta lakshanas are described for Jwara-
- If the patient is dreaming like he is drinking madira (a type of alcoholic beverage) along with preta (devil/ demon) or moving towards dakshina direction then that patient will die soon because of fever.
- The person along with fever, if suffers from shushka kasa & jwara before 12 o’clock in day time then he will die very soon.
- The person who suffers from fever after 12 o’clock in day time and he is balamamsa hina (emaciated) then he will die very soon.
- Who is having teevra jwar (acute high grade fever), trishna (thirst), murchha (fainting) and shithilata of sandhi (weakness in joints) then he will die soon.
Jwaramoksha- Recovery from fever
When there is relief of jwara then the body of the person experiences following signs-
- Burning sensation
- Sweating
- Giddiness
- Thirst
- Tremors
- Diarrhoea
- The loss of sense and perception
- Kujana (sound)
- The bad odor from the mouth.
Types of Jwara-moksha-
It may occurs in 3 types
- Daruna moksha (By crisis)
- Adaruna moksha (By Lysis)
- Vishama gati moksha
Jwaramukta Lakshana (After Signs of fever)-
- Sweating
- Lightness of body
- Itching over head
- Mukha paka (stomatitis)
- Sneezing
Fever and its Ayurveda treatment
Chikitsa sutra of jwara-
- During nava jwara, one should avoid sleep during day time, bath, massage, heavy food, anger, exposure to wind and exercise.
- Langhana or fasting- In the first stage of jwara, langhana or fasting is prescribed. It is however, not indicated in the jwaras caused by consumption of agents whch vitiate vata like Vata vardhaka aahara, fear, anger, grief and physical exertion.
- Intake of Shadanga paniya- For the alleviation of thirst and jwara, the patient should be given water boiled with Musta, Parpataka, Ushira, Chandana, Udeecchya & Nagar. After boiling, the water should be made lukewarm every time before administration.
- If the jwara is dominated by kapha, give Vamaka Dravya (emetics).
- Use of Yavagu- After the patient has been administered emetic therapy and after he is kept on fasting he should be given yavagu (gruel) processed with some herbs.
- Use of kashaya- The patient should be administered decoctions of pachana or shamana herbs (single or in combination).
- Langhana Karma (Light diet intake)- For the alleviation of jwara, up to the 10thday, the patient should be given light diet along with Yusha (soup) prepared of vegetables, pulses(mudga, masur, chanak, kulatta & makushta), or Jangala Mamsa-Rasa (soup of meat of animals dwelling in the forests).
- Intake of ghee- The ghee should be given to the patient suffering from jwara when there is dominance of Vata and Pitta. If Kapha predominates and if the signs and symptoms of well accomplished Langhana karma have not appeared, ghee and Mamsa rasa should not be administered to the patient even after the 10thday,
- Intake of milk- When there is excessive burning sensation and thirst; when the patient is suffering from jwara predominated by Vata and Pitta; when the doshas are either Baddha (obstructed) or prachyuta (loose) or when there is nirama stage of the doshas, intake of milk (unprocessed or processed with herbs) may be given.
- Administration of purgation- When the fever doesn’t subside by the therapies described earlier, then for its alleviation Virechana karma (purgation therapy) should be provided to the patient who is not emaciated or depleted of muscle tissue and devoid of digestive power.
- Administration of Anuvasana Vasti (Therapeutic oil based enema)- In chronic fever Anuvasana Vasti should be given in the conditions- when Vata and pitta are alleviated, when there is strong power of digestion and when the faeces are smooth and greasy.
- Administration of Nasyam (Nasal administration of medicine)- In chronic fever, it should be administered in conditions when there is
a. heaviness and pain in head
b. inactivity of the sense organs as a result of which senses are not able to perceive their objects. - Administration of external therapies- In chronic fever the physician may advise Abhyangam, pradeha, parisheka and avagahana.
- Vegetables- The leaves and fruits of patola, patha, karkotaka and rakta punarnava are useful in jwara if taken as vegetable/ curry.
- The decoction of parpataka, kiratatikta, musta, guduchi and visha bheshaja are taken oraly in jwara.
Herbal treatment for fever
- Agasti (Agastya)- The juice of the leaves dropped into nostrils alleviates chaturthaka jwara
- Ahiphena- In a combination of other herbs in Yavaanyaadi kwatha, ahiphen is useful in jwara associated with kasa
- Amalaki- The juice of amalaki fruits fried with ghee alleviates fever.
- Aaragwadha- Aragwadha with milk or grape juice is recommended in jwara
- Shunthi- One afflicted with fever associated with diarrhoea should take liquid gruel of parched paddy added with Shunthi and honey.
- Upakunchika (prithvika, kalajaji)- Kalajaji taken with jaggery controls irregular fever .
- Upodika- In fever with burning sensation, the leaves of upodika pounded with sour juice or vinegar are applied externally as paste.
- Ushira- Ushira forms an ingredient of the shadanga paniya commonly used in fever associated with thirst.
- Katuka- Fine powdered katuka mixed with sugar alleviates fever caused by pitta.
- Kiratatikta- The intake of paste of kiratatikta root mixed with cow’s ghee destroys fever in Filaria.
- Kasamarda-In Pittaja jvara the cold decoction of kashmarya mixed with sugar pacifies excessive thirst & burning sensation .
- Kulattha- To check excessive perspiration, powder of parched Kulattha is rubbed in the body.
- Guduchi- Decoction of Guduchi should be taken in all types of fever. It alone checks fever caused by Vata. In case of fever with vomiting, cold decoction of Guduchi mixed with honey is taken.
- Jiraka- Jiraka (cumin seed) combined with jaggery alleviates irregular fever. It also improves digestion and destroys diseases caused by Vata.
- Jeevanti- Decoction of Jeevanti root mixed with ghee removes burning sensation in fever.
- Dadima (Pomegranate)- In severe fever caused by pitta one should take parched grain flour mixed with fruit juice of dadima.
- Devadaru- Decoction of devadaru is useful in fever.
- Dronapushpi- The juice of dronapushpi is effective in malarial fever.
- Dhanyaka- The cold infusion of dhanyaka (coriander) mixed with sugar and taken in morning alleviates even severe burning sensation immediately
- Nimba- Vomiting should be induced in patients having burning sensation and fever with leaf juice of nimba mixed with honey and liquid jaggery
- Pippali- Decoction of pippali made in four times of water should be taken . One who takes pippali mula mixed with ghee and honey (non equal ratio) followed by intake of cow’s milk becomes free from heart disease, cough & malarial fever.
- Mustaka : Mustaka and Parpataka are excellent herb for fever.
- Vasa- The juice of Vasa leaves mixed with honey alleviates fever caused by pitta and kapha .
- Vidari- Milk oil, ghee, juice of Vidari and sugar cane and honey all mixed together is suggested in malarial fever.
- Haritaki- Linctus made of Haritaki, ghee and honey (unequal proportion) removes all types of fever.
- Hingu- Quartan fever is checked by snuffing hingu mixed with old ghee.
- Amalaki- The patient of fever in case of loss of sweat & sleep accompanied by excessive thirst, should take liquid ghee processes with shunti & amalaki added with sugar & fried in ghee. It alleviates fever.
- Amra- Hot infusion prepared of tender leaves of amra and jambu + leaf buds and hanging roots of vata (banyan tree) + ushira mixed with honey cures fever.
- Shunthi- Milk cooked with shunti, draksha and kharjura and added with ghee, honey (unequal ratio) reduces thirst & fever.
- Decoction of mahabala root and shunthi checks malaria fever.
- Shunti, jiraka and jaggery pounded together and taken with hot water, old wine or buttermilk checks fever with rigor.
- Eranda- Taking milk cooked with Eranda root helps in recovering from constipated bowels OR tender Bilwa is useful in diarrhoea with blood and mucus attended with thirst, pain and tenesmus.
- Katphala- In fever, caused by kapha, the formulation consisting of katphala, pushkaramula, karkatashringi and Pippali mixed with honey is efficacious. It alleviates kapha and its associated symptoms like dyspnoea, cough and fever.
- Kantakari- In condition of pain in pelvic region, sides and head, liquid gruel of parched paddy processed with kantakari and gokshura should be given.
- Kantaki karanja- Seed kernel of karanja, ativisha and maricha each 1 part and tulsi leaves 3 parts all put together and made in to pills of the size of a Bengal gram. It is useful in fever, diarrhoea and loss of digestive power.
- Karvellaka- The soups of karvellaka, karkotaka, moolak, parpatak, nimba pushpa, patola are useful in jwara
- Kiratatikta- Infusion of kiratatikta mixed with dhanyaka leaves alleviates fever immediately.
- Kutaja- Decoction of Kutaja (Indrayava) and kutaki in rice water or that of yasti madhu alleviates jwara caused by pitta.
- Kupilu- Purified kupilu with equal quantity of maricha powder is rubbed with decoction of Indrayava fruits and made into pills. It removes constipation and fever caused by Vata.
- Kumud (Utpala)- In fever with diarrhoea; Utpala, seed of pomegranate and stamens of lotus put together should be taken with rice water.
- Kulattha- Soups of light pulses such as green gram etc as well as kulattha are whole some in fever .
- Guduchi- Decoction of triphala and juice of Guduchi is useful
- Guduchi- Ghrita and oil cooked with juice and paste of Guduchi, Triphala, Vasa, Draksha and Bala alleviate fever .
- Jeemutaka- It should be given with the juice of Jivaka, Rishabhaka and Ikshu (Sugarcane) or Shatavari in fever caused by Pitta Kapha or Vata Pitta
- Jeeraka- In Malaria with rigor, the patient should take Jeeraka powder with jaggery or guduchi juice with jaggery .
- Krishna jeeraka- Intake of Krishna jeeraka with equal jaggery and a bit of maricha checks Chaturthaka Jwara immediately .
- Jyotishmati- In drowsiness in fever, Jyotishmati and pindaraka root used as snuff .
- Tulsi- In Malaria fever, the juice of tulsi or dronapushpi mixed with maricha powder should be taken to check malaria fever.
- Triyamana- In chronic fever, intake of Trivrit or triyamana with milk is good.
- Triphala- In chronic fever, Triphala, guduchi and pippali each separately should be given according to the prescribed method or Bhallataka mixed with jaggery may be used .
- Dashamula- Pippali should be used with decoction of dashamula in case of jwara .
- Draksha- Juice of draksha and amalaki should be given in jwara which acts as mild purgative and detoxify the body.
Ayurveda medicines for Fever
- Aasavarishta– Amritarista (In all stages of jwara), Kiratarishta (saviram jwara, vishama jwara), Kutajarishta (jwaratisar), Panchatiktarishta (jwarahar-raktashodhaka).
- Kwatha- Dashamula kwatha, Panchatikta kwatha, Shadanga kwatha, Dashamulatriguna kwatha. Amruttotaram kashayam.
- Churna– Sudarshana churna, Mahasudarshana churna.
- Vati or Rasa– Mahasudarshan Vati, Tribhuvankirti rasa, Vettumarana Gulika, Sanjeevani vati, Bhedijwarankusha rasa, Jwaramurari rasa, Jwarankusha rasa, Kalakuta rasa, Jayamangal Rasa, Vishamjwarantaka Rasa, Sarvajwarhar Lauha, Lakshminarayana rasa, Mrityunjaya rasa, Narayana jwarankusha rasa.
Time tested Ayurveda medicines for Jwara
Mritunjay Rasa– (Vata-Kapha Jwara,Vata Jwara,jiran Jwara)
Mahajwarankush Rasa– (Santat Visham Jwara)
Jwarantak Rasa —- (Visham Jwara malaria)
Sanjivani Vati—- (Visham Jwara, All jwara)
Hinguleshwar Rasa– (Navin Jwara,Tiwar Jwara)
Ramban Rasa — (navin,Vataj,sannipataj)
Mritsanjivani Rasa– (Sannipat jwara)
Jaimangal Rasa— (Visham Jwara, Dhatugat jwara)
Samirpanag Rasa — (Krish-sadya jwara, sannipat Jwara)
Kaalkut Rasa– (Jwara ,Sannipat jwara)
Jwarsanhar rasa
Laxmi vilas Rasa Nardiya— (Vat-Kapha Jwara)
Kasturi Bherav Rasa— (Kaphaj Jwara, Vataj jwara, Sannipataj Jwara)
Godanti Basam
Tankan Bhasam
Parwal Pishthi
Amrita Satav
Rasadi Vati
Tribhuvankirti Rasa– (Kaphaj ,Vataj jwara)
Ashavkanchuki Rasa
Dashmoola Kwath— (Sannipataj Jwara)
Mahasudarshan Vati- ( Sannipat Jwara)
Mahasudarshan Churan — (Sannipat Jwara, Jiran Jwara)
Visham jwarantak Loh — (Visham jwara)
Diet and life style for Jwara
Pathya (Do’s )—
- Ahara:
Shadanga Paniya (medicated water prepared by Musta, Parpataka, Ushira, Chandana, Nagara, Udichya), Tarpana prepared of the Laja Saktu (Churna of perched paddy) mixed with honey, sugar and juices of fruits, Mudga Yusha. Yavagu (gruel), odana (boiled rice) and Laja (popped or perched paddy), Peya prepared with Laja / Yava added with Nagar, Pippalimula, Amalaki, Mrudvika, vegetables like Patola, Karavellaka, Karkotaka.
- Vihara:
Complete bed rest, staying in well ventilated room with hygienic conditions
Apathya (Don’ts )
- Ahara:
Heavy food, curd, green peas, black eyed beans, lentils, yellow gram, black gram, raw vegetables and salads, refined foods such as white flour (Maida), contaminated water or food, sprouts, cold food and beverages, junk foods, fried food, bakery items. - Vihara:
Physical and mental exertion like physical exercises, exposure to cold, breeze, suppression of natural urges, taking bath with cold water etc.