Alzheimer’s disease- symptoms, causes, prevention

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease attacks nerves, brain cells and neurotransmitters. It is a primary degenerative cerebral disorder.

Alzheimer’s disease signs and symptoms

Early symptoms

  • Language problems, such as trouble finding the name of familiar objects.
  • Misplacing items
  • Getting lost on familiar routes
  • Personality changes and loss of social skills
  • Losing interest in things previously enjoyed, flat mood
  • Difficulty performing tasks that take some thought, but used to come easily, such as balancing a chequebook, playing complex games (such as a bridge), and learning new information or routines

Moderate symptoms

  • Forgetting details about current events
  • Forgetting events in your own life history, losing awareness of who you are
  • Change in sleep patterns, often waking up at night
  • Difficulty reading or writing
  • Poor judgment and loss of ability to recognize the danger
  • Using the wrong word, mispronouncing words, speaking in confusing sentences
  • Withdrawing from social contact
  • Having hallucinations, arguments, striking out, and violent behaviour
  • Having delusions, depression, agitation
  • Difficulty doing basic tasks, such as preparing meals, choosing the proper clothing, and driving


  • Do not understand language
  • Do not recognize family members
  • Could not perform basic activities of daily living, such as eating, dressing, and bathing


  • Incontinence
  • Swallowing problems


  • Genetics
    A close blood relative, such as a brother, sister, or parent who developed AD
  • Increasing age
  • Persistent high blood pressure
  • History of head trauma
  • Females 


Early onset

  • Before age 60
  • Less common
  • Progress rapidly
  • Run in families


  • Aged 60 or older
  • Most common


  • Full blood count
  • Urea
  • Electrolytes
  • Thyroid function test
  • CT scan-Brain
  • MRI of brain


  • Ayurveda Medicines
  • Behaviour therapy
  • Family support
  • Caregivers


  1. Abuse by an over-stressed caregiver
  2. Bedsores
  3. Failure of body systems
  4. Falls and broken bones
  5. Harmful or violent behaviour toward self or others
  6. Loss of ability to function or care for self
  7. Loss of ability to interact
  8. Malnutrition
  9. Dehydration
  10. Pneumonia
  11. Urinary tract infections

Alzheimer’s disease Prevention

  1. Consume a low-fat diet.
  2. Intake of omega-3-fatty acid (fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel)
  3. Reduce intake of linoleic acid (margarine, butter, and dairy products).
  4. Increase intake of antioxidants (dark-coloured fruits and vegetables).
  5. Maintain normal blood pressure.
  6. Stay socially active throughout life.
  7. Do some brain activities (SUDOKU, Puzzles)

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